THRIVE: ElementMS Summer Breakaway!
I don't know about you, but I thought the summer breakaway this past week was packed with pure awesomeness, coolness, funness, and other great things that end with "-ness"! But seriously though, this year's summer breakaway was a highlight for so many of us. Not only did we play some ridiculously fun games and get our blood pumping with aerobics, but we also learned about the amazing and extravagant love that God has for us through the parable of the prodigal son. Many of us committed to strengthening and honoring our relationship with God at this retreat; now that we're back in good ol' Bay Area, let's spur each other on to love God and love other people!
Anyways, here are a few snapshots of what our retreat, we'll hopefully show a really cool video recap at our Sunday service!