Replay: August 14 - 16
This past Friday, we continued our Truth Haters Bible study, where we learned about Pharaoh and his problem of pride. We saw how destructive pride is as it causes us to not listen to God or to others, and eventually leads us to be unable to accept even the negative consequences of our pride. After Bible study, we had our final session of MYT, and we ended our time by showing each other what we've learned throughout the summer. The singing class sang their beautiful rendition of "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" and we saw some hilarious videos from the YouthTube class!
On Sunday, we watched a session of The Truth Project together and learned about God's heart towards each and every person. No matter how neglected a person may be in the world, Jesus is with the needy and the oppressed-- no one we met is just a mere mortal.
After service, we headed to the park for some lunch and we watched an exciting soccer game between the high school boys and teachers. It was a close game! At the very end, Taehoon (the only 8th grader) saved the high school boys and the game ended with a tie.
Looking forward to our Monterey trip next week!